Hello World!

So I’ve added a blog to the site. This should at the very least urge me to post comments more often than the “very occasionally” that I have managed upto now.

Thanks go to the people at www.apachefriends.org for their excellent xampp tool. I’ve basically spent ages just trying to get PHP and MySql to work on “pixie” (the server on which this is all hosted) and didn’t get very far. Xampp solves all of that. If you have n old server or desktop PC and you want a fully-featured webserver, and mailserver quite simply this is the thing to use. It employs the rather excellent Mercury mailserver which is a project that needs support simply because the developer, David Harris has made Mercury as good as it can be but free. This sort of project costs in time though and subsequently bills need paying. If you do use Xampp or mercury, throw some coins in the hat at the Pegasus/Mercury website.

Of course the other bit of software that makes this all happen is wordpress.